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  1. jhj747

    No power everything dead

    I was hoping to find someone i could take the car to and have them do it. Electric stuff I'm list on.
  2. jhj747

    No power everything dead

    Thanks I never removed a speedometer is it difficult?
  3. jhj747

    No power everything dead

  4. jhj747

    No power everything dead

    Thank you again. I just picked this car up in Tennessee and going through it. The speedometer is at 100 and bounces the previous owner put a new speedometer cable on it didn't change. He put a new dash in same style as the original but white. He said it did work but started acting up. You have...
  5. jhj747

    No power everything dead

    Your awesome i seen the wires under the dash i snuggled up the nuts bingo power! Now should I leave it or put the wires together with a nut and bolt and tape up. If I do will it effect the gauges on dash. Thank you again
  6. jhj747

    No power everything dead

    I just purchased the car the person who had the car put in a volt meter it looks good i look under the dash at the factory alternator gauge there is a silver prong but now wires i see.
  7. jhj747

    No power everything dead

    I'm a new be under the dash
  8. jhj747

    No power everything dead

    I have a 69 roadrunner driving car died out no power. Got home I checked the fusible link wire was broke. I ordered a new one . So I took a wire with a 50 amp in line fuse connected it just to see and still no power at all. Every thing dead . I screw driver the starter relay car did turn...
  9. jhj747

    440 motor block stamp

    Here is a picture of block
  10. jhj747

    440 motor block stamp

    I have a mopar block stamped by distributor D4 blank then 0 . Positive there is no 4 by 4 just blank. Someone sid it could be a Nascar block? Any ideas. Thanks
  11. jhj747

    440 motor block stamp

    I have a mopar block stamped by distributor D4 blank then 0 . Positive there is no 4 by 4 just blank. Someone sid it could be a Nascar block? Any ideas. Thanks