Hey all! This is Big Mo’s daughter……for those of you that don’t know, we lost Dad in January to covid……we all miss him terribly….he was in the process of rebuilding his beloved car when he got sick……the car was completed by some very special friends and was brought to his Celebration of Life...
Dyno test done and engine coming home. Results were good for a pretty much stock engine. Horsepower and torque good. Was told this will be a very good street engine. Has very little drop off at 5600 rpm. I am very happy. Big Mo.
This is post that goes along with Russ69runner's post. I thought I had my steering box taken care of until I put it on the K-frame. I bought a remanufactured Power steering box several years ago from NAPA. It is a Triple B. Didn't know that at time of purchase. After mounting it (K- frame out of...
I think Chrysler last made Plymouth cars in 2001. Does anyone know what happened to the Patent or does Chrysler still hold the Patent for the Plymouth name?
Picked the bird up Friday with front and rear glass in also headliner and all trim. Now I finally see light at the end of the tunnel. Engine back to shop for break in and set up. Hopefully that is next major part of project. Big Mo.
Anyone have trouble with the rear window trim corners (bottom) sticking up. I had it put in buy a professional shop and he said that they were twisted and he could not tweak it anymore or it would have kinked. He told me that he has already had them like that and the only way to keep them down...
I was looking in Classic at the heat shields for the plug boots. The one for #7 has 3 different ones listed. Do any of you know which one fits a 1968-383. Thanks guys. Big Mo.
I am really trying to buy made in USA. With that said I was looking for a new cable as my old one looks rough. I checked and the average price $45.00. As I said before I have a good friend in the parts dept. at my local Dodge dealer and I gave him the pt.# of the cable. He run a check and found...
I think I have been playing with wires for months. I think I may have finally got all the lights working. It really tried to drive me nuts ( not far to go lol ) but as of today at 2:30 all the lights worked. Now I could check tomorrow and maybe not. I had a Bad turn signal switch I had to...
This is information that might help in the future. Anyone that has removed the door light switch that screws into the body be very careful when you reinstall that switch. If you painted the car paint will get into the threads and make it difficult to start . The drivers side is the hardest. You...
Can anyone tell me where I can get the little body style plugs that go on the door where the little hole is for the allen wrench to go through to tighten for window. I need 2 of them. I bought a body plug kit and they were not in it. Thank you Big Mo.
I still have my dash on a stand where it is easy to access the wires. I have question on the circuit from the washer motor to the wiper motor. Help me out here I have the wire diagram I am looking at and the circuit that goes from the wash. motor to wiper motor. If I am thinking correctly when...
I hope this is an ok post. I was told yesterday that a life long friend tested positive for the virus. We done a lot of things together and he and his wife need our prayers. Please take a moment for my friend Bob. Thank all of you Big Mo.
Had a water problem yesterday. Only thing is that it was with a water line in my bathroom. Water all over floor down through living room ceiling down over couch through carpet and padding. So work on the bird will be at a standstill for some time and life goes on. Big Mo.
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