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  1. coyotekiller

    Facebook mopar owners group

    My car is the cover photo this week
  2. coyotekiller

    My cars

  3. coyotekiller

    Wtb roadrunner

    If anyone knows of a road runner with a good body between 10,000-15,000 thousand. Drive train does not matter please let me know. Thanks
  4. coyotekiller

    Est. for bodywork

    I just got an est. for 31,200 to restore my car. I think I will have to pass on this.
  5. coyotekiller

    Old Saybrook Show

    Is anyone besides Steve and myself going to Old Saybrook on Sunday?
  6. coyotekiller

    fuel pressure

    I had something happen today that I have not seen I have my fuel pressure regulator set at 8.5lbs. I drove my car for a short ride and at a very low speed when I turned thne car off to get something my fuel pressure gauge read 12.5lbs and the car was flooded. I had my fuel pump off and the car...
  7. coyotekiller

    Fuel cell

    Well I tried installing a fuel cell in my car and when I drilled through my trunk there was no trunk. So now I have a trunk pan to do. Than I decided to install my engine. That did not not work out so good either. I got a new set of headers so I decided to install them on the engine while on the...
  8. coyotekiller

    Free 383

    If you are close to Long Island and want this engine let me know it does need as a rebuild and it ran when I took it out.
  9. coyotekiller

    New Engine almost done

  10. coyotekiller

    coyote killer

    Just a couple of recent pics and one old one of my car
  11. coyotekiller

    440 source

    Has anybody here bought a alum. waterpump housing from 440 source. I bought one and it was a piece of crap. It would not fit over the timingchain cover. I had to grind the back of it. than when I put the thermostat housing on the bolts did not line up so I drilled out the bolt holes so it would...
  12. coyotekiller


  13. coyotekiller

    weekend project
