244 298deg @ 50 510 lift 108 deg. does this sound like a good cam for a 440? it has worked 915s with 11 to 1 flat tops. 1.5 rockers. single plane intake. any ideas?
Went over to the body shop today and my rear quartes where in. :thumbsup: But when they
where test fitted they where about 2" too long? anyone else ever have this problem? My body guy said he could make them work but I am concerned with marker light location and wheel arc location. We called...
Just insalled my new horn from year one and it is not working any idea where to start looking?
I went ahead and orderd a relay I was guessing to start there. :cheers:
What is the proper location for the under dash reverse indicator? Someone did a hack job through the years mounting gauges and god knows what. I cleaned it all up an welded in some new metal but did not make a notation of the hole :brickwall: Could some on tell me the proper measurement so I can...
Anyone do a disc brake conversion using factory parts? I have a setup from a 73 Duster and was wondering will this work or what else would I need? :popcorn:
My RR has rear turn signals that work but for some strange reason my brake lights and my tail lights are not working. Anyone know where I should start? The bulbs are all fine. Any clue?
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