Search results

  1. ACME A12

    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter, gents. Hope that it was a good one.
  2. ACME A12

    Merry Christmas!

    Hope you guys have a good one!
  3. ACME A12

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas everyone. Hope that Santa was good to all. Enjoy a safe and happy day with your families!
  4. ACME A12

    Runnin' With The Devil

    Eddie Van Halen passed away today. RIP Eddie.
  5. ACME A12

    Yo, Quickie!

    Where's your buddy Coyote been lately? Haven't seen him on here in a while... Just curious...
  6. ACME A12

    Discount Codes for YO & Layson's

    Not sure if anybody here needs to do any shopping or if you have given your loved ones a Christmas List with car parts on it, but just in case... Year One - 30% off until 12/15/2019. Enter promo code "SLEIGH". Layson's Restorations - 20% off until 12/31/2019. Enter promo code "LAY1019".
  7. ACME A12

    Best Irish Pub Toast!

    John O'Reilly hoisted his beer and said, "Here's to spending the rest of me life, between the legs of me wife !" That won him the top prize at the pub for the best toast of the night! He went home and told his wife, Mary, "I won the prize for the best toast of the night." She said, "Aye, did...
  8. ACME A12


    Holy Crap! Sponge Bob Square Wheels has eclipsed the 20K post mark! :drinks:
  9. ACME A12

    FOUND Inner Fender Upper Headlight Bucket Splash Shield

    I'm looking for the RH side MoPar PN #2786258 for a 1969 Road Runner as shown below. Let me know what you've got. Thanks, Ray
  10. ACME A12


    TEXT TO NEIGHBOR Hi, Fred, this is Richard, next door. I’ve got a confession to make. I’ve been riddled with guilt for a few months and have been trying to get up the courage to tell you face-to-face. At least I’m telling you in this text and I can’t live with myself a minute longer without...
  11. ACME A12

    MoPars with Mr. 4 Speed

    Formerly MoPars with Big Daddy. It's in Ocala this weekend. Anybody going? Change of venue for anyone that doesn't know. Not at the Garlits Museum anymore. Down the road at the Florida Agriculture Center & Horse Park...
  12. ACME A12

    Turkey Day

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Best holiday wishes to all. :cheers:
  13. ACME A12

    Happy Father's Day

    Hope you fathers all have a good one. :cheers:
  14. ACME A12

    The Road Runner Story

    Here's a great story for some of our newer members. We old-timers have kicked this one around a few times, but I'm guessing many of you have never heard or read the story of how the Road Runner came to here is an interesting read... Enjoy. :cheers...
  15. ACME A12

    Bought myself a new ride while at Carlisle...

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. ACME A12


    Okay, who has 1911s in their collection? Been looking at them for a bit now...just have always liked them even before I started carrying or collecting anything. I have been looking at the Springfield Armory Range Officer and Trophy Match. Like both of those. Mrs. ACME has chimed in and casts...
  17. ACME A12

    Hey Stu-Rat! Get Out Your Checkbook...

    The EPA Superbird is up for sale... :D ... 28441.html Looks like you might have to hit your rich, retired, phone cop daddy up for a few coins though...they're asking $525K... :lol: :eek: :lol: :jester:
  18. ACME A12

    First A12 Video Clip...

    Saw this on the LOH Playground and thought I would share. This car is supposed to have the A87 packaged according the Super Stock magazine article of the day...but the B-Pillar trim and the upgraded upholstery are nowhere to be found...?
  19. ACME A12

    Let's Do It; a Favorite Year RR List Thread...

    Since Jerry's moral or ethical question thread evolved into a discussion of our favorite/least favorite RR years...let's have at it. Give us your list of favorites or least favorites...AND WHY. Here's mine... Favorites: 1) 1969. Car of the year. Everything a muscle car should be. Only year...
  20. ACME A12

    Seniors' Fishing Trip

    At a Senior Citizen's luncheon, an elderly gentleman and an elderly lady struck up a conversation and discovered that they both loved to fish. Since both of them were widowed, they decided to go fishing together the next day. The gentleman picked the lady up, and they headed to the river to his...