Search results

  1. Jack R

    Portable welders

    I’m close to getting back at roadrunner assembly. One of the things I need to do is weld the gas tank strap holders to the new floor. Forgot to get those when the metal work was all done. The portable that seems to have good reviews is this one. Anyone use one of these yet...
  2. Jack R

    SOLD Wood wheel

    Restored 68-69 wheel 2925134 $400.00 shipped
  3. Jack R

    FOR SALE Local roadrunner for sale

    I’ve never seen this one but looks ok and probably priced right
  4. Jack R

    NOS part hoard

    And not 1 mopar anything. I have a neighbor who used to own a Porsche / VW shop...the air cooled stuff. He retired the shop decades ago. He is in nursing home and wife asked me to assist. Spent Saturday pulling NOS Porsche and VW parts out of his attic and still not done. Holy crap. All...
  5. Jack R

    Get out the debit card.

    So I have this other project car that also in an orphan bird. Factory A/C. Parts as expensive as the roadrunner stuff. Installing the new condenser after disassemble of the front endura bumper which cracked the new paint. That won’t be cheap to fix.
  6. Jack R

    For the Arizona folks

    This is great news. I was going to sell my bow tie car as the track was closing and a few times a year breaking things was the only fun I had with it.
  7. Jack R

    The stuff I get myself into

    Spent 3 hours today on the formula now I’ll do three more on the roadrunner. Summer heat in Az certainly slows any real progress. Then I’m out of town for 2 weeks again.
  8. Jack R

    69 Convertible top frame mount hardware

    Actually had time today to do some assembly. Was going to mount the convertible top frame but…hardware questions happened. Does anyone have a picture of how the rear frame mount at the rear quarter area? The mounting plate diagram in the shop manual shows 3 bolts and one nut but I don’t have...
  9. Jack R

    Why I’m not driving my roadrunner

    If only I had time. Do a lot of work travel. Have been in Asia for the last couple weeks. Last flight Sunday pm coming into phoenix the Captain and First officer presented me this
  10. Jack R

    Parking brake

    Found another didn’t know today. Last thing on the brakes was install the park brake pedal Assy and connect the cable. But…..the new floor only has the cable hole. Anyone have a picture of the two brake pedal Assy stud holes? need to see where those should be relative to the cable hole. And...
  11. Jack R

    FOR SALE 68-69 parking light housings

    I paid $100.00 for these. So $100.00.
  12. Jack R

    Parking brake cable connection

    How is this parking brake cable clip/bolt/pin removed? luckily have an extra park brake assembly that has this.
  13. Jack R

    Finally back at it

    Today I got a whole day on my roadrunner. It’s been a long time. Got the rear brakes in, parking brake cables, master cylinder and painted a bunch of little stuff. Tomorrow need to figure out why the clutch fork won’t install. Then need to finish plugging in a couple things, install the...
  14. Jack R

    Found build sheet...sort of

    Should have checked the rear seat 30 years ago when I first found the car.
  15. Jack R

    440 w/air grabber

    In my 69, Have the 383 grabber base which obviously hit the hood. So I bought the reproduction 440 base. But with edelbrock carb and CH4B intake it’s line/line with the hood. And none of the air grabber stuff is on the hood yet. Everything I’ve read says my combo will work. Air filter is...
  16. Jack R

    WANTED Lower dash pad 69 roadrunner non A/C

    Got one that’s nice? Need blue but going to dye anyway.
  17. Jack R

    Finally have color

  18. Jack R

    Year One discount kudos!

    I get these save money e mails but usually forget them or just don’t act. Well tonight got one from Year One. I was planning on buying a lot of parts...kind of a big order. Holy crap using the TREAT20 code I saved over $350.00.
  19. Jack R

    Fender tag.

    Was area under fender tag just left primer...Tag put on before final color? Position for the it can be read standing at dr side fender?
  20. Jack R

    69 emblems

    Getting ready to order all the body emblems from somewhere. need to be sure I’m right 2 road runner door emblems 1 Plymouth hood emblem For trunk...that gets a road runner too right? I have the gold pentastar for the fender...should that be gold or silver? Any recommendations where to get...