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  1. sixgunrunner68

    looking for opinions

    Do any of you guys own or have any familiarity with TriStar shotguns? In particular their autoloaders . If so , what do you think?
  2. sixgunrunner68

    just keeps getting worse

    :soap: My wife stopped by Bass Pro Shop, in Harrisburg Pennsylvania yesterday. I asked her to get some ammo while there. Well there was no pistol ammunition to be had. The only thing she could get were the .22 LR bullets, and they were limited to two boxes of fifty rounds per customer at five...
  3. sixgunrunner68

    new yorkers check your county for this ... n_Form.pdf
  4. sixgunrunner68

    Now look what they're trying to pass

    2013-2014 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y January 29, 2013 Introduced by M. of A. ORTIZ -- read once and referred to the C ommittee on Insurance AN ACT to amend the insurance law, in relation to...
  5. sixgunrunner68

    pretty tasteless

    What do you call an anorexic with a yeast infection? A quarter pounder with cheese... :basketcase: :rimshot: :rimshot:
  6. sixgunrunner68

    Only a few good days left..

    Great weather for a cruise to the top of Perkin's Drive this weekend. You can see Manhattan from there (not in this pic).
  7. sixgunrunner68

    cracks me up everytime. ... re=related I'm sure everyone has seen this already but it's still funny.
  8. sixgunrunner68

    Road Knights Show

    These caught my eye.
  9. sixgunrunner68

    peekskill Road Knights 9/18/2011

    Pretty big show, usually 500+ cars. Should be a nice day on the river. aka safe zone. :D
  10. sixgunrunner68

    84 diner 9/1 Look at them stare. ... oto#312554
  11. sixgunrunner68

    Summer special package?

    Alright, I just drove by a local repair shop and had to nail the brakes. Outside was parked a '69 runner for sale. Now bear with me as I had no camera and this is all from my less than normal short term memory. 383, four speed post car. The car is said to be documented by Galen Govier and...
  12. sixgunrunner68


    A very tired nurse, walks into a bank, Totally exhausted after an 18-hour shift. Preparing to write a check, She pulls a Rectal Thermometer Out of her purse And tries to write with it. When she realizes her mistake, She looks at the flabbergasted teller And without missing a beat...
  13. sixgunrunner68

    NWF a few to smile at.

    A farmer goes in half with a friend to buy a bull so he can increase his stock. A couple of weeks later the friend comes by to see how his investment is doing. The farmer complains that the bull just eats grass and won't look at the cows. His friend suggests that a veterinarian have a look at...
  14. sixgunrunner68

    overflow tank

    I figured some of you might appreciate this. My bud has been bustin' my balls to make one of these for him for a while so here it is.. :D
  15. sixgunrunner68

    valve adjustments

    So I was adjusting my valves the other day and for the most part everything was cool. What I noticed though was that any of the valves that needed adjusting were intake valves. All of the exhaust were ok. They were no more than about .002" out but I was wondering if this was the norm. Any input?
  16. sixgunrunner68

    Wed. at Bear Mountain Park

    This happens every Wednesday night. Hundreds of cars of all sorts.
  17. sixgunrunner68

    Monday night at the Smokehaus..Redemption

    Here is a few
  18. sixgunrunner68

    Dad's Cad

    Met my dad for lunch today, took a couple quick pics of his '69 Deville. He's owned it since 1972 and is the second owner. Most of it still wears the original paint, the top is original and in great shape as well as the ostrich skin pattern interior. The engine is untouched other than...
  19. sixgunrunner68

    84 diner

    413ci. 365hp
  20. sixgunrunner68

    dead easter bunny

    I wasn't sure where to put this since it's not really a joke, but I thought it was funny. In my own warped mind I guess. I have a sister, that lives in Georgia, with two young sons. The youngest has been acting up a bit lately giving everyone a hard time. While on the phone with my sis...