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  1. Terry Hauck

    Temp too high??

    I installed a shroud with an electric fan. It was 108 degrees F here yesterday, and this is as high as my gauge got. It was driven and then left to idle. Too high????
  2. Terry Hauck

    Temp Gauge Reading

    On a stock 69 temp gauge, what are the actual from-to numbers in the safe zone? Looks like 170-230 F from what I can find online but does anyone know for sure??
  3. Terry Hauck

    Creaking noise

    I have a creaking or popping sound when I take off. I can't figure it out. It didn't do it with the 383. Happens during normal take-offs, not a hard launch. The clutch is the same one I had with the 383, maybe 1500 miles on it. Any ideas?
  4. Terry Hauck

    4 vs 5 pin orange box

    Will a 5 pin box work with a 4 wire setup? Will it even start?
  5. Terry Hauck

    Rear Main Seal

    Finally got my 440 kicking and all seems good except for the damn rear seal. My 383 leaked too. I used the billet aluminum setup from Indy Cyl. Heads. Guess I have my winter project all lined up. What have you guys had success with?
  6. Terry Hauck


    I want to be sure this is installed right. The fork rod that attaches between the Z bar and the clutch fork has a slight bend. Does the bend angle toward the middle of the car? That's how I have it now. I cannot tell from the diagram in the service manual group 6 clutch section fig 9. By the...
  7. Terry Hauck


    Well, the engines in, the front disc brakes are done, and the power steering is back. Got to bolt on everything else, and it's ready to run. Can't wait.
  8. Terry Hauck

    FBO Limiter Plate

    Has anyone used this Limiter plate from FBO Ignition?
  9. Terry Hauck

    Distributor advance springs

    Hello. I am building a 440 for my 69 Roadrunner. It is a motorhome engine and it came with an extra forged steel crank. It has that crank, a 509 cam and about 10.1 comp. I have the electronic ignition that came with it in 76. Took it apart to clean and lube. It has two different springs. What do...
  10. Terry Hauck

    Jumper Cables

    A guy goes into a bar with jumper cables over his shoulder. The bartender says hold on buddy, and looks him over. Then he says OK. You can come in BUI DONT START ANYTHING!!
  11. Terry Hauck

    Engine placement

    Why did Chrysler engineers shift the old classic engines a bit to the right?
  12. Terry Hauck

    Too much torque??

    I'm building a mild 440 for my 69 383 4-speed Roadrunner. Some people have told me a 440 has too much torque for a stock 383 frame. They say I should weld in the torque boxes and frame connectors. This 440 has 10.1 comp and a 509 cam, maybe 450 HP. What do you guys think??
  13. Terry Hauck

    Indy Cyl Head Billet Rear Main Seal Housing

    I got an after market billet aluminum rear main seal housing from Indy Cylinder Heads. It worked great on my 383. I want to use it on my 440 but they want big bucks for new side seal material. I measured it at .1250 diameter rubber cord. Has anyone else had this issue and what measurement and...
  14. Terry Hauck

    Steering Knuckle Diagram

    Good info here. Sent to me by Tony Mopar of Tony's Parts. Pay close attention to the direction the shoes actually face. Rounded part toward the housing. Really helped me.
  15. Terry Hauck

    Windage tray

    This is the tray that came with the motorhome 440. Is it the same as the one used in the HP engines?
  16. Terry Hauck

    Z Bar Retainer

    How does this go on the Z bar. Is there only one? Pictures please.
  17. Terry Hauck

    The Oh-no bird

    The Oh-no bird lives in South America. He is a large bird with a wide wingspan and a large set of nuts that hang down about 6 inches. Unfortunately, his legs are only about 2 inches. It is said as he comes in to land you can hear him saying OH NO, OH NO.
  18. Terry Hauck

    Oil galley plugs

    What do you guys use to seal the rear galley plugs?
  19. Terry Hauck

    440 Rods

    I have two markings on 440 rods that came out of an untouched RV engine. 4 have 1851535 and MS3049 and DF51 and B. The other 4 have 1851535 and MS3049 and DF51 and LY. What, if any is the difference??
  20. Terry Hauck

    Christmas Car Show.

    You got to love Southern California. Where else can you have a Christmas Car Show in December. What's even better is winning Best In Show. There were 64 cars there too.