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  1. M

    Flag debate

    My take on all this is once again we have a knee-jerk reaction to something someone found "offensive". I neither support nor condemn the Confederate battle flag. It is a part of our history and can be used for either "good" or "evil". The same can be said for the Stars and Stripes. For some it...
  2. M

    Best way to tackle surface rust on Floor pans?

    :yeathat: good point! Forgot to mention that. Also I would highly recommend cleaning off the mating surfaces of the lid and can. Get them as clean as you can because the plastic can still tear and allow the metal to make contact - and if there is any of the product in that area you'll never get...
  3. M

    What things have you found in your cars?

    I bought my present car in '83, sold it in '88 and got it back in 2000. Back story goes like this. While living in Ft. Wayne, IN back in the 78 I bought a set of 5 RWL Kelly Springfield bias ply 225-70-14 tires for my first road runner. Got married in '80 and moved to Orlando in '81. Drove the...
  4. M

    tindi7 Intro

    Welcome tindi. '73 RR with a 440 is a nice combo. Almost bought one back in the 90's before I got my '71 Charger SE. Should have bought that black '73 RR. Post up some pics when you get a chance. We love our car porn...
  5. M

    Best way to tackle surface rust on Floor pans?

    Rust Bullet is a great product and is a bit easier to apply than POR-15 as there is no need to apply a treatment before applying it. Just get as much rust off as you can, clean the surface of loose material and apply. I have used both POR-15 and Rust Bullet and both have their advantages...
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    Best affordable online site/store for trusted RR parts?For a driver not all original

    I've bought a good many parts from Mancini Racing and never been disappointed. They are a good way from you but just tossing my :cents: into the mix.
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    She Runs TOO HOT.

    works for me.
  8. M

    She Runs TOO HOT.

    Why no coolant in that radiator? I run 75% coolant / 25% water in mine. The old one I had took 100% coolant and it ran acceptable temps. Running straight water will definitely cause it to run too warm.
  9. M

    snook - my 1969 Y2 RR

    Correct. From the factory - no, but you could have the dealer install them for you if you wanted them.
  10. M

    snook - my 1969 Y2 RR

    Love it!
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    Fan shroud & AVS install

  12. M


    Yup, looks mighty nice!
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    A little appropo music for you

    My favorite Steppenwolf album was Steppenwolf 7. Great stuff. Skullduggery was the best of the 3 later releases (Slow Flux, Hour of The Wolf, Skullduggery).
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    A little appropo music for you A remake of an oldie but a goodie...
  15. M

    Rain Rain, Go Away

    Try Legendary.
  16. M

    FOR SALE Replaced wheels & tires on my 69RR

    Yup. Same here. That was priority one when I got mine.
  17. M

    What Carb 73 RR w/ 440 for street

    Agreed. Double Pumper for manual trans car or manual valve body auto bracket/street car. For street use you will want the vacuum secondaries. Install a secondary spring quick change module if the carb doesn't come with one. 4 corner idle is nice too. Helped smooth mine out at idle.
  18. M

    cam ?

    Why are you wanting to try to do what you are proposing?
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    Carry piece

    Lately I have been having a lot of fun with 22's of all things. Got my wife a Taurus PT-22. Nice little gun. Still have to get to the range with it. If it likes them we will load it up with Aguila Interceptors. 1470 fps with a 40 gr solid or hollow point. A little more powerful than the CCI...
  20. M

    Holley or Edelbrock ??

    Yeah - it will fumigate you but from everything we have tried it does not seem to be carb related but rather cam related. The carb is spot on in every way but everyone I have spoken to that owns one of those series of Comp cams says they are really "dirty" smelling at idle. I suspect it has to...