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  1. vso737

    DASH gauges on a '69 RR

    DONE DEAL..................ISSUE RESOLVED. I removed the ASHTRAY........made a pod out of fiberglass and faced it with vinyl to match the dash. Put two 2" for WATER and the other OIL PRESSURE. Works and looks OK to me................. LG, Mike
  2. vso737

    Will 69 RR 727/8.75 driveshaft work for a 69RR A833/8.75?

    ______________________________________________________________ IT WILL WORK! I just replaced the 4 speed in my 1969 383CI RR with a "TCI" Street Fighter 727 automatic. I have a SURE GRIP 489 carrier with the 1 3/4" pinion.............. the DRIVE SHAFT was NEVER modified in any way. NOR...
  3. vso737

    TOTAL fluid for a Torqueflite 727

    Hi Big John. Your avatar always reminds me of the avatar I often use with my emails. SEE ATTACHED.......... I decided on the gauges. I made a POD to replace the "offense" meant for you SMOKERS out there, BUT this MONSTER will NEVER have a smoker in the car as long as I'm...
  4. vso737

    TOTAL fluid for a Torqueflite 727

    Well, chasing my trans. leaks did NOT reveal the origin.............BUT, my hunch was right on the money. The FLUID is dripping from the bell housing due to the trans. being OVERFILLED.............NOW, my question is, ¿Is my CROOK that incompetent or did he do it on purpose to get my car back...
  5. vso737

    bench seat keeps on coming unlocked

    SOLUTION: At least I'm hoping it is. I removed the bench seat completely out of the car this time and inspected both tracks and locking mechanism. It appeared that the little SPRINGS that keep the locking mechanism in the track was TOO WEAK. I replaced both springs and it seems that now...
  6. vso737

    TOTAL fluid for a Torqueflite 727

    My calculations indicate that the TOTAL transmission fluid to be used in a newly rebuilt BIG BLOCK 727 with an 11" torque converter and an external transmission cooler is approx. 9 1/2 quarts. I'm giving the hard lines and cooler one quart which is included in the 9 1/2 total. Anyone have a...
  7. vso737

    68 fender tag location

    Hi, I just purchased my '69RR...........I'm NOT hung up on STOCK. "Been there, done that" when I restored a 1957 Corvette to "NCRS" Top Flight status. Still, I would like to have as much info on my JEWEL as possible. I have the HOLES present where the FENDER TAG is suppose to be but NO...
  8. vso737

    bench seat keeps on coming unlocked

    I thought I had both sides secured but my wife tells me she could feel the seat on her side moving when we were traveling. Once it pops out, the entire seat shoots backwards. I will be taking a closer look at the track and especially the passenger side. I may just do what was...
  9. vso737

    bench seat keeps on coming unlocked

    _______________________________________ Thanks Big John............ I would have never guessed on how to do the adjustment. The wire was extremely loose. I tightened it and thought I had the problem resolved until the return trip home. Again, with the wife and pups in the car, I punched it a...
  10. vso737

    DASH gauges on a '69 RR

    HI BIG JOHN, I received my "1969 Plymouth manual yesterday". It is very informative and just what I needed. I'm now leaning towards installing two after market gauges since the car has an 'idiot' light for the oil pressure. I don't feel it is worth going to the trouble and NOT be happy with...
  11. vso737

    PROUD owner of a 1969 383CI RR..............vitamin C orange

    Proud owner of a 1969 RR Thanks, The 1957 vette was my FIRST restoration, retirement project. It took me 8 ½ years to put it all together. I did everything except for the BODY work and PAINT. The car is "LIVING THE LIFE OF RILEY" in Nice, France as I write this. My wife did NOT like to...
  12. vso737

    DASH gauges on a '69 RR

    WOW..........Now I know why so many owners opted for the aftermarket gauges. NOT just because of the PIA of working with these gauges. BUT, the effort is NOT worth it, other than keeping it looking STOCK. The original gauges DO NOT compare to the aftermarket gauges in accuracy. I thought...
  13. vso737

    DASH gauges on a '69 RR

    What is the BEST and EASIEST way to get to the water temperature gauge in the dashboard? I really do not want to install after market gauges under the dash................. Can one get to the gauges by taking off the top dash pad? I have NOT investigated the situation yet but I need to...
  14. vso737

    LH side mirror

    CANCEL REQUEST............. Found my answer. The mirror is a "CIPA 1800", an obalong mirror than can be used on either right or left side of vehicle. THanks, LG, Mike
  15. vso737

    LH side mirror

    Hi, Can anyone tell me what this MIRROR came off of. I replaced this mirror with an original replica and also installed one on the RH. I have seen a 1969 RR with a similar mirror but I'm sure it is NOT stock. I will be selling it once I know what to call it. Thanks a bunch, LG, Mike
  16. vso737

    Automatic transmission

    I believe the salesman asked me the diameter, mine are 28". I do use the SUMMIT RACING calculator on their website to figure out the RPMs at a certain speed. All you need is your gear ratio and tire diameter............. All he told me is that he had a calculator that would determine which...
  17. vso737

    Automatic transmission

    When I purchased the speedometer gear, from Summit Racing, for the gear ratio swap, the sales person had a calculator that he was using to determined which gear to use with the automatic and my ring and pinion gear. He told me that they did NOT make the gear that the calculations recommended...
  18. vso737

    Automatic transmission

    I live in Ventura County........the one just North of Los Angeles. I have the "Quick Silver" 'B & M" forward shifter. You can manually shift it or just leave it I'm in Vin DRIVE and kick back. I drove it today and LOVE it. I mainly use it to down shift and mostly leave it in "D". My wife has...
  19. vso737

    Automatic transmission

    Hi Vince, As the OLD saying goes, "there are two sides to every story", I'm sure my CROOK must have something up his sleeve in the event he did NOT pick on a sucker. If not, that's why our jail is FULL. These guys are too smart for their own good. Having said that, I'm still waiting for the...
  20. vso737

    Automatic transmission

    Hi all, YES, I finally had he "GIRLY" automatic "TCI" Street Fighter 727 with a 2400 stall T/C installed and a "B & M" Quick Silver manual/auto shifter and also replaced my 3.91 gears for 2.76 gears. NOW, I just have to get my GIRLY wife to drive this 'monster' so we can both drive our...