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  1. MsBeep

    ground wire for steering column

    If there is a a ground wire (as shown) attached to one of the bolts that hold the column, and a ground for a backlit mechanical gauge e.g. oil pressure attached in a similar fashion to the other bolt, would there be any problem with that? Just curious...
  2. MsBeep

    Added Pics to Photo Gallery

    :lol: I got to thank the Husband for that bit of genius. I got tired of cleaning the dried blood and skin off the hood latch (mostly his) anyway...
  3. MsBeep

    69ronrunner Intro

    Welcome from Alberta, Canada. Post some pictures when you can-would love to see your work-in-progress Ron.
  4. MsBeep

    cordodge Intro

    :yeathat: Welcome from Alberta, Canada. Love the collection and pics! Do you mind disclosing what you do for a living or are you an independent?
  5. MsBeep

    fowens Intro

    Welcome. I heartily agree with the bag & tag advice when it comes to disassembly (and eventual reassembly) of your resto project. You won't regret taking pictures along the way. If I would have had the digital camera I have today back when- there would have been a whole lot more to my cars...
  6. MsBeep

    hemihead Intro

    Welcome from Canada. I too am curious what Mopar you have now. Got any pics?
  7. MsBeep

    69roadrunnin Intro

    Welcome from Alberta, Canada. Please post pics of your car:wave:
  8. MsBeep

    No Reverse lights -need ideas ASAP

    "I hear ya", bigmanjb-especially when it comes to un-doing what needs be undone. There has been many times I have asked myself just WTF the previous owner (or his band of monkeys) was thinking when they did what they did. Just to be clear: I haven't got it fixed yet-LOL! I posted some...
  9. MsBeep

    Added Pics to Photo Gallery

    Thanks for the kind words 4spd69RR. What I call him all depends on how cooperative he is- generally not G-rated. The front "vanity plate" :. I guess that beats calling him "Fairweather" :lol:
  10. MsBeep

    Car Show Display Boards

    Hi John My custom display board was made of "plastic-core" (a plasticized, corrugated core signboard) with vinyl lettering applied many years ago. Advantages: Light weight, relatively waterproof, and framable. Oddly enough, I don't have a picture of my display board handy. The attached...
  11. MsBeep

    Added Pics to Photo Gallery

    Posted a few pics of my Summer 2013 wiring work in the Photo Gallery today. To get the car running for "Appraisal Day" (a couple of weeks ago) seemed an impossible task in June when I had my cable melt. However; I am happy to announce: " all applied modifications and repairs worked!"...
  12. MsBeep

    Happy Halloween!

    Happy Halloween!
  13. 1969 Road Runner

    1969 Road Runner

  14. MsBeep

    No Reverse lights -need ideas ASAP

    You make me giggle like a girl :adoration:
  15. MsBeep

    No Reverse lights -need ideas ASAP

    :bump: Steve Like the old saying goes: "If it's got tits or tires; you're gonna have problems with it"
  16. MsBeep

    No Reverse lights -need ideas ASAP

    These pictures are from the thread on another forum: - this what the plastic lever fell out of. This is the switch from the other guys 1969 383 roadrunner: and this is what the assembly looks like with the column out of the car:
  17. MsBeep

    No Reverse lights -need ideas ASAP

    So glad you asked... Here is a pic of the plastic lever and the backup lamp switch it actuated:
  18. MsBeep

    No Reverse lights -need ideas ASAP

    I bought one too. Mine just happened to come with parts bin problems :stooges: