Search results

  1. MsBeep

    foxfire Intro

    Welcome from Alberta.
  2. MsBeep

    Texastopgun Intro

    Welcome from Alberta, Canada.
  3. MsBeep

    FCJG15 Intro

    Welcome! Taking over one of your Dad's road runners is a great responsibility; one I hope you will grow into!:haha:
  4. MsBeep

    dragon slayer Intro

    Welcome from the Great province of Alberta, Canada. Pictures will be appreciated!
  5. MsBeep

    boandluke Intro

    Welcome and good luck in finding your project car!
  6. MsBeep

    EastYorkRunner Intro

    Welcome from Alberta! Pictures, please!:eagerness:
  7. MsBeep

    car crazy jo Intro

    Welcome. Bench seats are hard to find here as well.... Basketcase's idea to sell the E-Body buckets is something to consider!
  8. MsBeep

    moparhigh Intro

    Welcome from Alberta, Canada. Down to the wire on it being a "getaway" car isn't it? :biggrin:
  9. MsBeep

    tedv Intro

    Welcome from Alberta, Canada and best of luck in your search.
  10. MsBeep

    chargerbelgium Intro

    Welcome from Alberta, Canada. One Pic is never enough; but it's a good start! Does your car have a painted or vinyl roof? It's a "grey area" in the picture :jester:
  11. MsBeep

    paladin2511 Intro

    No pressure at all...but STRONGLY recommended!:popcorn: Welcome from Alberta, Canada
  12. MsBeep

    WANTED Lower Windshield Trim Clips

    These are no longer available. 28-06-2014
  13. MsBeep

    Mikes69 Intro

    Welcome Mike. I'm sure you'll find all sorts of helpful people and maybe the very parts you need for your road runner on this site. Post some pics of your car :)
  14. MsBeep

    383 Spark plug and wires

    Original wire set was black with black boots. Autopar ignition wire set IC68 on car since 1992 is orange with black boots soon to be replaced with Taylor 8mm red wires with black distributor socket boots. I replaced Champion RJ12YC with NGK XR4 (stock# 2637) in 2003. Still have MSD 6AL box...
  15. MsBeep

    road runner crazy paul Intro

    Welcome from Alberta, and I must ask you to post some pictures of your project :smile-new:
  16. MsBeep

    Smokngun Intro

    Welcome and good luck on your project!
  17. MsBeep

    rdrnrgrl Intro

    Welcome from Alberta.
  18. MsBeep

    68 Roadrunner restoration

    Wow- what a productive weekend! I too like the paint colour you shot the car with; can hardly wait for you to post more of your restoration:yesnod:
  19. MsBeep

    steering colomn wiring

    If you have 1968 automatic column shift steering column, you may have the wiring and plug for the reverse light switch. Wires are violet and white in colour, and are part of the dash harness. Is this what you see?
  20. MsBeep

    Finally got to drive it Happy Birthday

    Belated Happy Birthday to you and I agree it was a wonderful present! May you enjoy many Hemimongus moments and get some pics of the smile on your face:party: