Search results

  1. MsBeep

    hunt2elk Intro

    Welcome! Personally, I like the B5 Blue Runner almost as much as R4 Red!:smile-new:
  2. MsBeep

    Speedy_Bird Intro

    Welcome Rick from Alberta, Canada. It looks like you have quite a bit to work with on the drop-top 'runner and your Dad's Newport is looking good also. I am partial to the Red Cars...:groucho:
  3. MsBeep

    Old_pharts Intro

    Welcome from the Canadian. I hope that you do find the help you need to get another Bid on the blacktop!
  4. MsBeep


    To make it perfectly clear: "Take away the Canadian Beer and away goes the party" :party::biggrin:
  5. MsBeep


    Just...when... I was starting to like you... Maybe there is some kind of F8 addiction rehab available for:jester: like you...
  6. MsBeep

    DEN Intro

    Welcome DEN from Alberta, Canada. I hope that the site's Administrator will be able to provide a translation for your "intro" - at the moment all I see is cyrillic alphabet soup ha ha. Where in Russia are you located?
  7. MsBeep

    SMcCown Intro

    Welcome! The dream never dies... and it is great to see you have found one of the sweetest cars to roll out of Detroit.
  8. MsBeep

    Buried in a garage 69.5

    I didn't think there were anymore like the one you found (and for a reasonable price too!) Congratulations on a great find and welcome to the site :congratulatory:
  9. MsBeep

    Buried in a garage 69.5

    I couldn't agree with you more :rules: -lol!!
  10. MsBeep

    rusty Intro

    Welcome! Lots of eye candy in your collection to be sure :biggrin:
  11. MsBeep


    Aye, and the lasses like it too!! :groucho: I haven't had problems with mice, but I'd be willing to try the dryer sheets in and under the car - just to be sure. Thanks for the info Mac - I'd not heard about using Irish Spring soap as mouse repeller before today.
  12. MsBeep

    Removing wiper arms

    Me too! Never regretted having the right tool for the job.
  13. MsBeep

    So my 69 authenticity has come into question Need some advice / help

    My thoughts exactly! My 69 has many 68 parts also and yes, it was not uncommon practice to use whatever was in the parts bin at time of assembly. Just my :cents:
  14. MsBeep

    moparnewbie Intro

    So I guess that means you are the exception???:jester:
  15. MsBeep

    It's Flown the Coop

    I wouldn't have any problems with wire set installation, 69hemibeep, if I had your Desert Elephant under my hood :stooges:
  16. MsBeep

    It's Flown the Coop

  17. MsBeep

    It's Flown the Coop

    OMG- not my first born!! So not selling this car Steve...
  18. MsBeep

    Lynchroad69.5 Intro

    Welcome from Alberta, Canada. R4 is an awesome colour ( my '69's factory paint ) do you have any pictures of your restoration?
  19. MsBeep

    MoparErike Intro

    Welcome. It is good to create a Mopar legacy...
  20. MsBeep

    Legbah Intro

    Welcome. Post some pics of your starter body and glean away!