Recent content by WWheeler

  1. WWheeler

    Flat tappet vs roller cam

    A local Hi Po engine rebuilder recommended a roller cam over the flat tappet cam. Reason being metallurgy and not because of performance. A roller cam will always be billet and has more reliable metallurgy than the cast flat tappet cams. Problem is where these are made. Just can't trust what you...
  2. WWheeler

    Happy birthday ACME A12

    I have been saying I am just glad Debbie didn't do Dallas this time.
  3. WWheeler

    Most Important tool in your restoration tool box.

    I have to admit I am old fashioned and make hand drawings. Not to scale or anything, but has features shown that are important. I also make notes. Each drawing goes in the bag with the parts. I do pics for large pieces, but sometimes it just doesn't show the detail you need.
  4. WWheeler

    Most Important tool in your restoration tool box.

    One of the few good things old age brings, wisdom and experience. In my younger days, I would tear into a project thinking, Oh I'll remember where that goes. Yeah, right.
  5. WWheeler

    Drivers side door jamb switch for dome light?

    I just replaced mine and got educated. There are two sizes but the '70 uses the larger nut size. And it has the dual contact, not the single.
  6. WWheeler

    Valve Covers

    You might try these: I have the moroso put have not installed them. The gasket is...
  7. WWheeler

    Rear window lower stainless steel moulding

    New trim is an iffy fit. When restoring my bird, I matched the area around the glass to fit the trim.
  8. WWheeler

    Interior Paint Questions

    You could try here - I am doing the entire white interior of my 70 RR. The problem is that there are color variations with all the different parts - headliner, door panel, seat covers, etc...So which do you match it to? In your case you might want to match to the door...
  9. WWheeler

    Wire harness replacement

    M&H is what I have on mine. Everything seems to look ok and I would buy again. Customer service is also good. I tested and matched all the connections old versus new per the wiring diagram. All good. When testing, I put 12V to the rear light harness and had a short in the left parking light. I...
  10. WWheeler

    Ignition switch 70 RR

    Also a few really good You Tubes if you haven't already done this job. I did mine a year ago and there was an E Body column being rebuilt on You Tube. Very helpful.
  11. WWheeler

    AMD Door and QTR glass - '70 RR hardtop

    Thanks for the reply. It was from AMD, correct?
  12. WWheeler

    AMD Door and QTR glass - '70 RR hardtop

    Anybody have experience with AMD's door and QTR window glass. I have heard the curvature on some glass doesn't match the originals. Wanted to make sure first before buying. Thanks.
  13. WWheeler

    FOR SALE 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner 4 Speed

    Yeah and this is just the stuff you see. Imagine what is hidden! I think if you dipped this shell into evapo rust, it all might just vanish.
  14. WWheeler

    Hardtop Quarter Window Roller Refurb

    My roller assemblies on my '70 RR Hardtop are frozen. Started looking at it and is pretty easy to take them apart to clean and lubricate. The main issue is the flat plate that secures the ball stud and the spring clip. It is held on by two rivets. If you grind the rivet heads off and punch out...
  15. WWheeler

    '70 RR Hardtop Quarter window trim

    I have a '70 RR hardtop and was missing the SS trim between the qtr glass and door glass. This piece actually mounts on the door glass. I bought a L&R trim from a salvage yard last week. As luck would have it, I found the ones that came with the car when the package arrived. I am not saying the...