Recent content by thebear101

  1. T

    WANTED Bellhousing

    833 4spd, not the 4spd over drive
  2. T

    FOR SALE M-1 or cross ram

    Yes tonight I will, the cross ram will come with linkage to, but for the holly carbs not the carter carbs, and the M-1 is for the dominated carb, also have the 1050 cfm proform carb with the 650 CD pumps on it
  3. T

    FOR SALE M-1 or cross ram

    The cross ram has a new flat top on it, and uses dual quads, I hand polished it myself, looks great, the M-1 is for the dominater carb, and has the coil poles removed and filed down, for sale or trade $450.00 for both intakes, and also have a problem 1050cfm with50cc pumpers, $600.00, take it...
  4. T

    WANTED Lower dash pad 69 roadrunner non A/C

    I have a blue one I'll trade for a mint black one, mine looks pretty new, mine is a 1968 though if that matters? Black n has to be pretty new looking though
  5. T


    I'll trade a perform carb 1050 cm with 50cc pumps new for those axles??
  6. T

    FOR SALE Full set of Weld Draglites with M/T ET Street tires

    Do you still have them, I have a dual quad cross ram with new top, I had polished it myself, looks great, and I have a M 1 dominated top on it, I'll trade
  7. T

    WANTED Bell housing

    Oh, sorry, i am new here, I should have known though, I have a 1968 rr , 440 833 4spd, also need pedals
  8. T

    WANTED Bell housing

    Please, I need a bell housing, I haven't had my bird going for 5 years, please help this new guy out??