Recent content by sixgunrunner68

  1. sixgunrunner68

    I’m a Happy Camper

    That's pretty sweet, I need to look into that.
  2. sixgunrunner68

    new to old school mopars

    Welcome from Dutchess County, NY
  3. sixgunrunner68

    Howdy folks

    That car is sharp! Good luck with it.
  4. sixgunrunner68

    My 68 RR finally has paint

    Looks great. Omit the wheel well trim.
  5. sixgunrunner68

    68 Project

    sounds bad ass!:yesnod:
  6. sixgunrunner68

    68 Project

    Looking good Bob, I dig the color
  7. sixgunrunner68

    bad ass roadrunner

    Yeah it's bad ass, kinda was hoping it would be yours i was looking at though...:encouragement:
  8. sixgunrunner68

    Back on line

    Hey Mike, I found ya.. Hey guys, Mike is a local from my area. We have a mutual friend so be nice.:D His car is sweet.:cheers:
  9. sixgunrunner68

    ray Intro

    Hmmm, I have a 68 gold, four speed, 383 car.:huh:
  10. sixgunrunner68

    what is the value - opinions please

    I have to keep the 68 resistance under surveillance.:victorious:
  11. sixgunrunner68

    what is the value - opinions please

    :toetap::toetap::livid: That car has everything going for it, D4S interior, four speed, post, hemi and NOT GREEN.:D
  12. sixgunrunner68

    old ugly biker

    :thumbsup::thumbsup:Oh yeah, good one.
  13. sixgunrunner68

    Rhinebeck car show

    Thanks for the reminder, i forgot about it. See what the weather brings...
  14. sixgunrunner68

    Acme 68

    Very nice!:drool::drool::thumbsup: