Recent content by #'s Matching '68 Bird

  1. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    Happy Forth tomorrow.

    Happy 4th, Russ and all.
  2. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    New from AZ

    Very nice. I'm a fan of the Matador Red. Mine has the red interior, also.
  3. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    New here, I'm Mark

    Welcome Rogue Runner. Keep posting pics of your progress, please.
  4. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    What's in your garage

    Love your 68! Beautiful.
  5. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    Car show on the 6-18-22

    Russ, I'm pretty sure all the 69 hood inserts looked like this: To me, they look like they face up instead of sideways, like the 68.
  6. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    Anyone going to Carlisle? Volume II

    Bummer. I'd love to go to Carlisle. However, I'm bringing my Bird to the Syracuse Nationals this year. I'm willing to bet it will be a low turnout for Mopars at the nationals with both shows the same weekend.
  7. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    Can I afford to drive my runner?

    Happy Birthday Russ!
  8. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    Easy choice

  9. #'s Matching '68 Bird


    It now says "This listing was ended by the seller because the item was lost or broken."
  10. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    Weekend fun

    Unfortunately, no. After the teardown I determined the plastic piece holding the gauge needle spring is broke. Needs to be sent out but, I'm not having it torn aport for that long over the summer season. Winter project. For now, I'll just go with the flow of traffic.
  11. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    Weekend fun

    Thank you, Rick
  12. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    Weekend fun

    After a morning spent troubleshooting speedo issues, I gave her a bath and took her for a ride.
  13. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    Instrument cluster teardown - keep going?

    Thanks Russ. I hear ya. I put it all back together and decided to turn that into a winter project. Can't bare having it out of commission this time of year.
  14. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    Instrument cluster teardown - keep going?

    We can ignore the previous picture. I made a poor assumption that the long plastic gear was not supposed to be angled like it is. I tore the cluster down to remove the gauge and found that it seems a small plastic like piece that holds the needle spring in place is broken.
  15. #'s Matching '68 Bird

    Instrument cluster teardown - keep going?

    I decided to pull the instrument cluster to look into erratic speedo problems. Despite the cable being unhooked, the gauge did not go to 0. I took an allen key and turned speedo manually. I found that the needle would go below zero and above the max. Digging further i noted the needle was...