Recent content by HD539

  1. HD539

    Is this the new scam?

    I haven’t experienced what you’ve described first hand but typically if it appears to good to be true it is. I would stay away, certainly sounds like a scam.
  2. HD539

    Help please

    Welcome, I see it’s a j code car.
  3. HD539

    Garlits Best in Show

  4. HD539

    A real trophy.

    Nice! Well deserved for all your hard work.
  5. HD539

    New Guy Working on a B Body

    Welcome, nice project.
  6. HD539

    Glutton for punishment

    Yes, unless. I’m 67 and in my case the unless is a 1971 Duster. I am about 90%. I’m again thinking this will be the last one.
  7. HD539

    Hello Everyone. My Dad Was The Original Owner Of This 1968 Beauty

    Welcome from Washington State.
  8. HD539

    New guy from SC.

    Welcome from Washington State.
  9. HD539

    Hello from the UK

    Welcome, nice looking car.
  10. HD539

    Hello from Michigan

    Welcome, beautiful car.
  11. HD539

    1969 hardtop with RM21 vin

    Welcome, I haven’t heard of an error like you’ve described but stranger things have happened. (Human error).
  12. HD539

    MORE!…Rear main seal talk!

    I used the accu seal. It was easy to install and no leaks yet (been about a year since install).
  13. HD539

    Hello from Virginia

  14. HD539

    Hello from Oklahoma.
