Recent content by Dan Kiewicz

  1. Dan Kiewicz

    Timing numbers for a 383 super commando?

    Remove all plugs, get a thin long shank screwdriver and set the #1 cylinder at TDC. See where the timing mark is. Make sure your on the compression stroke for #1. That will at least tell you if the something didn't happen to the plate and it's representing the correct crank/cam timing. I did the...
  2. Dan Kiewicz

    What's in your garage

    Yep, 6 Car Garage.... Man registration renewal sucks!!!
  3. Dan Kiewicz

    Won’t consistently start.

    I was just about to suggest the fusible link. My first 69 had an issue just like this and then it let go. Check it out.
  4. Dan Kiewicz

    N96 Air Grabber Restoration

    Will do Russ! I bumped the starter shorting across the relay and it turned over. Threw a bit of gas in the carb (been sitting in a 130deg garage and usually evaporates the fuel in the bowl) and it fired right up. So maybe a bad spot on the stator or an intermittent relay. I'll replace the relay...
  5. Dan Kiewicz

    N96 Air Grabber Restoration

    Thanks!!! I sure hope things do. There's tons of things I've found since I took possession and I'm not sure if I have the resources to do it all. I just tried starting her yesterday and nada. Plenty of battery so time for a starter relay and troubleshoot.
  6. Dan Kiewicz

    N96 Air Grabber Restoration

    Yep, just how I received mine. As I said, it ain't cheap, but what is in this hobby!!! Good looking job right there.
  7. Dan Kiewicz

    N96 Air Grabber Restoration

    I like to send a shout out to Don Hall. He runs a little side business called Air Grabber Restoration which can be found on FB. As with all things restoration, it ain't cheap, but the results will leave you drooling. I'm currently in the process of...
  8. Dan Kiewicz

    WANTED Working 3-speed wiper motor and switch

    As stated. Will consider non-working in reasonable condition also. Thanks!
  9. Dan Kiewicz

    Registering a '69 in California

    That's what they want me to do. DMV said no door tag, they can't do it, it has to be done by the CHP. Go figure. Less than 12 months and counting. Arizona here we come!!!!
  10. Dan Kiewicz

    Help on decode of 68 roadrunner fender tag

    NP Sammy. Glad to help. I know it says Coronet in the Body Slot, but I'm pretty sure the rest is the same for just about all B-Body's for '68.
  11. Dan Kiewicz

    Motor Mounts

    10mm socket....
  12. Dan Kiewicz

    just asking

    This might help for '68
  13. Dan Kiewicz

    I did it again.... :)

    No, it goes Meep! Meep! LOL!!! ;)
  14. Dan Kiewicz

    Help on decode of 68 roadrunner fender tag

    OK, I think this will help. C4 is Heay Duty Suspension W/Sway Bar. If someone has answered this sorry for the wasted bandwidth. You can find it here: Codes.html Dan ...
  15. Dan Kiewicz

    SOLD Project: RM23 1969 Road Runner

    Roger that Anthony! Thanks! I'll keep watching... Dan...