Recent content by coyotekiller

  1. coyotekiller

    This ever happen to you?

    Show off :lol:
  2. coyotekiller

    Ok Lets See your Runners

    yea a lot has happened the past couple of years things are calming down now
  3. coyotekiller

    Ok Lets See your Runners

  4. coyotekiller

    What to do with my car

    If you're keeping it stock stay with the drums
  5. coyotekiller

    Roof bondo?

    When I stripped down my car I had lead fill there
  6. coyotekiller

    Gtbpappy Intro

    Welcome from New York
  7. coyotekiller

    Facebook mopar owners group

    My car is the cover photo this week
  8. coyotekiller

    Hurst equipped

    nothing special its just a Hurst quarter stick with the pistol grip
  9. coyotekiller

    Hurst equipped

    I have a hurst pistol grip on my automatic
  10. coyotekiller

    Hurst equipped

    I was talking about me
  11. coyotekiller

    Hurst equipped

    Hmmmm who puts A12 hoods on non A12 cars
  12. coyotekiller

    congrats on your third place win coyotekiller

    Thanks everyone
  13. coyotekiller

    Final Carlisle roll call!

    I'll be there Thursday night thru Sunday. I'm not bringing the road runner this year. I'm bringing my challenger
  14. coyotekiller

    Let's see your before pictures

    This is what was on the quarters