Introduce Yourself
Hi, I am from Wisconsin and I have been a fan of 69 Roadrunner's and all Roadrunners for that matter, but mostly 1969's, since I was about 10 years old.
My uncle had a 1969 Roadrunner and I fell in love with the car the minute I saw it.
One time me and my uncle and my dad we're going to a dragstrip and my uncle was speeding down a country and missed a turn. So my dad and my uncle turned around and told me to hang on, then my uncle shifted into reverse and fried the tires back past the corner and then speed shifted the four speed into first gear and we went fishtailing down the road we needed to go. The entire inside of the car was filled with tire smoke and that smell of rubber. I was in love. LOL.
The RoadRunner decals caught my attention right away, plus I thought the car was awesome, but after that ride I was truly hooked on Roadrunners.
So when I was 15 just before Christmas, I had three months to go until I would be 16, I put an ad in the area shopping newspaper that


1969 Plymouth RoadRunner Beep Beep


