Recent content by BahamaBecomb

  1. BahamaBecomb

    Shock recommendation

    I am going to install front and rear sway bars (Hotchkis 1 1/2" front and 1" rear). Does anyone have recommended shocks to go with this?
  2. BahamaBecomb

    Bahama Yellow from Bothell WA

    Thanks, its been a great car. Going to need to fix the heater control this winter as its always on low unless its unplugged.
  3. BahamaBecomb

    New from AZ

    Great looking car, glad you are able to relive the dream.
  4. BahamaBecomb

    Casting # and Block stamp

    Thanks that makes sense why I couldn't find any breakdown for the pad #'s online, there is a sheet that came with the car from Muscle Motors in Lansing Michigan, lists heads , intake, compression ratio, and carburetor but no info on cam or bore size. Tried to contact them but my emails bounce...
  5. BahamaBecomb

    Casting # and Block stamp

    Trying to identify what year or even era this HEMI block is from. Rebuild/Install was done in 2012 but no of the paperwork followed the car. Casting # on the passenger side has 2468330-M but I I can't find a date code. Picture below shows the #'s on the top engine pad. Anybody have any...
  6. BahamaBecomb

    What fire extinguisher that won't ruin everything?

    Thanks for the ElementFire link, now I don't have to mount the canister type.
  7. BahamaBecomb

    FBO ignition

    Good to hear, did you also install the J685 mechanical timing limiter plate they recommend? I don't fully understand how the plate functions, going to need to read up on this.
  8. BahamaBecomb

    FBO ignition

    Does anyone have experience with the FBO HRR688 Mopar Ignition System? I currently have the Mopar P4120505 orange box with ballast resistor but like the idea of eliminating the ballast resistor.
  9. BahamaBecomb

    Bahama Yellow from Bothell WA

    Thanks, glad to be on the forum.
  10. BahamaBecomb

    Bahama Yellow from Bothell WA

    Thanks, good to finally be here. Great hood on your RR
  11. BahamaBecomb

    Bahama Yellow from Bothell WA

    Thanks. Been to Florida a few times, wish I could relocate to your state.
  12. BahamaBecomb

    Bahama Yellow from Bothell WA

    Thanks, great picture of both of yours, is the orange one vitamin C?
  13. BahamaBecomb

    Thanks, yours as well.

    Thanks, yours as well.
  14. BahamaBecomb

    Thanks, love the red color of yours.

    Thanks, love the red color of yours.
  15. BahamaBecomb

    Bahama Yellow from Bothell WA

    Thanks. It was advertised as a radio delete but fender tag has R11 code which should be a music master AM radio I believe.