Recent content by ArmyInspector

  1. ArmyInspector

    WANTED 69 roadrunner parts

    are you looking for the sockets that go into the fenders and rear quarters?
  2. ArmyInspector

    WANTED 69-70 B body blue upper dash pad

    The best way is to get one on Ebay but they are not cheap, you can get a black one and repaint for $250 or order one from PG Classic, they are in Canada and get a blue one but it will cost around 370 with shipping. They have great paints now for the interior to match the original. I had to do...
  3. ArmyInspector

    tail light extension studs

    do you still need the studs, I found eight of them with the nuts in my pile of extras
  4. ArmyInspector

    Need help again identifing a part

    Now I need to make sure the other braces are in place, lol
  5. ArmyInspector

    New member - longtime mopar nut

    welcome, this is a very helpful community
  6. ArmyInspector

    Need help again identifing a part

    Man these rides are so much fun trying to put back together again.
  7. ArmyInspector

    Need help again identifing a part

    sweet, thanks for the pic, that should be too easy to install
  8. ArmyInspector

    Need help again identifing a part

    went through the service manual twice, didn't find anything that showed the support rods, only for the master cylinder
  9. ArmyInspector

    Need help again identifing a part

    any pictures showing the brake pedal braces in place would be truly appreciated, I have an automatic car, thanks.
  10. ArmyInspector

    How many of you are armed when you take out your Mopar?

    Hmmm, I'm always packing heat.
  11. ArmyInspector

    Need help again identifing a part

    Did the other end attach to firewall or dash?
  12. ArmyInspector

    Need help again identifing a part

    thanks Big John
  13. ArmyInspector

    Need help again identifing a part

    I have this support rod, Literally the last part to put on but I have no clue where it goes, lol. Appreciate everyone's help.
  14. ArmyInspector

    Please help identify glass

    cant read the part numbers, thanks for all the help, anyone need the glass, I have it listed on craigslist in my area.
  15. ArmyInspector

    tail light extension studs

    are you looking for these