Recent content by Al Fiandaca

  1. Al Fiandaca

    Tips for U-hauling the RR on car hauler?

    You must mean Pinal Airpark, about 5 miles north of me. Used to be military facility that repaired helicopters from what I remember, but military moved out and now is home to hundreds of parked 747s that are not worth operating during covid. Cool seeing some of those 747s coming in low over my...
  2. Al Fiandaca

    Tips for U-hauling the RR on car hauler?

    Marana ( darn spell check )
  3. Al Fiandaca

    Tips for U-hauling the RR on car hauler?

    Greetings from Marina, AZ . I’m about 13 miles west of the Tucson Mountains...
  4. Al Fiandaca

    New"Bird" lover in AZ.

    Welcome from Tucson !
  5. Al Fiandaca

    How hot is it.

    106* in Tucson today, too hot to go for a ride on the Wide Glide and definately too hot to cruise the Road Runner. Never thought I'd say I miss NJ.
  6. Al Fiandaca

    window felt

    I thought about adhesive, but I didn't want it popping off after everything was pretty and done so I got out my drill
  7. Al Fiandaca

    Fan shroud

    You may already have the brackets on your radiator, thus the studs.
  8. Al Fiandaca

    window felt

    I had the same problem, the staple holes didn't line up and the contour was off. I drilled new holes for the staples and reworked the contour best I could. Not real noticeable after it's all done
  9. Al Fiandaca

    Fan shroud

    22" or 26" radiator ? I believe you' ll need one radiator, one fan shroud and two brackets that mate the rad and shroud together.My brackets bolt to the sides of the 22" radiator with two bolts on each side
  10. Al Fiandaca

    Runner Shell is finaly painted.

    I WISH I could drive my car. 16 weeks now waiting for my seat belts............:cursin: at least I got 3/4 of the order last week. Hoping and praying he sends the parts left out of the original order soon ....:praying:
  11. Al Fiandaca

    Runner Shell is finaly painted.

    Really looks great Russ !:thumbsup:
  12. Al Fiandaca

    Production Safety Act decal

    Thanks, with the help of this group and another, I've got a pretty good idea where to place it. Just above the light switch and readable from inside the car....:thankyou:
  13. Al Fiandaca

    Production Safety Act decal

    Sorry, it's a 1969 Road Runner
  14. Al Fiandaca

    Production Safety Act decal

    Can anyone post a pic or tell me where exactly the Production Safety Act decal is supposed to go? I know it goes on the door post/cowl area around where the dome light switch is, but a pic is worth a 1000 words. Thanks Alan